Thursday, September 11, 2014

Niagara Falls, New York State - Getting Around on Foot

Most of the places of interest in Niagara Falls are within the downtown area of the city and adjacent Niagara Falls State Park, which you can easily get around by walking. For closer and more spectacular views of the three falls, two short bridges from the mainland connect to Goat Island situated in the middle of Niagara Falls. To get to the Canadian side, cross the 1,450 feet (440 meter) Rainbow Bridge and pay a 50 cent toll to enter Canada and have your passport ready - there is no toll to enter the United States from Canada.

City of Niagara Falls and Goat Island, New York State
City of Niagara Falls (left) and Goat Island (right) by Ujjwal Kumar

American and Bridal Veil Falls seen from Goat Island, New York State
American and Bridal Veil Falls seen from Goat Island by DRosenbach

Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, New York State
The Rainbow Bridge by Verne Equinox

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