Thursday, September 11, 2014

Niagara Falls, New York State - Driving to Niagara Falls

Interstate 190 (I-190) highway travels northward from Buffalo connecting with Route 62 to Niagara Falls - a distance of 20 miles (32 km). South of Buffalo the I-190 connects with the I-90, which stretches from the East to West Coast of the northern United States. The I-90 connects with Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and Boston in the east and Cleveland, Toledo, and Chicago in the west. If coming from the Canadian city of Niagara Falls, the Rainbow Bridge connects the city with the US city of Niagara Falls.

Interstate 90, New York State
Interstate 90 by Doug Kerr

Interstate 190, New York State
Interstate 190 by TwinsMetsFan

Rainbow Bridge across the Niagara River
Rainbow Bridge by Kamel15

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