Sunday, September 7, 2014

Buffalo, New York State - To Buffalo by Train

Buffalo is connected by Amtrak trains arriving from east and west of the city. Two stations serve Buffalo with Buffalo-Depew Station located 8 miles (12 km) from the city in the suburb of Depew, and Buffalo-Exchange Street Station located in the Buffalo's downtown area. Amtrak trains stopping at both stations include the Empire Service (Niagara Falls-New York City) and Maple Leaf (Toronto-New York City), while the Lake Shore Limited (Chicago-New York City/Boston) only stops at Buffalo-Depew Station.

Buffalo-Depew Station, New York State
Buffalo-Depew Station by Himsing

Buffalo-Exchange Street Station, New York State
Buffalo-Exchange Street Station by Paytun Chong

Maple Leaf Amtrak train, New York State
The Maple Leaf Amtrak train by Himsing

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